Happy Holidays!

I hope your Christmas was the best! What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

Christmas was great! This was a pretty good week! I really enjoyed watching the Christmas Devotional! It was a great devotional. D. Todd Christofferson gave a great talk. This was my favorite part :) 

"Our gifts and service gladden hearts; the kindness of others pours healing balm into our own wounds. It is living the Savior’s way of life. And since, as He, we came down from heaven to do the will of the Father, it must not be only an annual event, but rather the pattern of our lives. In all that serves to deepen our empathy, broaden our understanding, and purify our souls, His declaration reassures us: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Its true, "When we do good, we feel good!" President Monson said "When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the spirit of Christ, because the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit." 

Hope you have a great hoilday season!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

The library on UW campus

 The ferris wheel here in Seattle

 The bridge right in front of my apartment

 Corridor on UW campus with a view of Mt Rainer

A perfectly balanced broken obelisk

Red Square!

9 Days until Christmas!


I cannot believe how fast this year has gone! I mean, its almost Christmas already! Craziness!!

Well this week was pretty awesome! Even though everybody is leaving for Christmas break we still managed to have 36 lessons! UW is like a ghost town, but we will find the people God has prepared! I really am grateful for the Gospel and the knowledge that I have of God and His love for us! I hope all is well!


<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

Gorgeous Seattle Skyline



Hope all is going well!

Well, I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be on a mission! I am grateful for this time when I am able focus with all my heart, might, mind, and strength on the Savior and His work to learn and grow with that mind set.

A lot of things have been on my mind lately. Tithing, The life of Christ and how special He is, the teachings of the church and having a strong conversion to Christ. I feel that those topics are topics that a lot of people in and out of the church struggle with. Our loving Heavenly Father does things for a reason. He commands us to do things to keep us safe, to help us grow and to remind us which way to face. It doesn't matter where you are in life, as long as you are going towards the Savior and facing him, everything will be okay. I know it. 

Well I love ya!! 

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Dec 9, 2014)

Elder Barney with his companion from China - Elder Zhao


This week I can only email for 30 minutes because I don't have a Seattle Library card, because I don't have proof of living in Seattle... I need mail!! There is the Seattle public library and king county, I have been using King County in my other areas so thats why its weird this week... My zone leaders may let me use the family history center later today so... but just in case!

So here is a rundown of the week!

We hit up red square all day long pretty much everyday! We found 4 new investigators, who are pretty solid and found a lot of potential Investigators! We taught 61 lessons this week! Crazy right! I am really loving the UW campus! I will send pics later today as well :) Life is good! The Mish is good! My companion is funny! Living it up!  


Next week is also transfers! Love ya!!!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Dec 9, 2014)

Hello er'body!

Hello er'body!

Well guess what! I got emergency transferred to the University of Washington Campus last Tuesday! The missionary I replaced got his visa to Taiwan so he left and my companionship was the only three-pack! I have had 4 companions in 12 days! I am really excited to serve in the Young Single Adult Ward! Its going to be a blast! We go to the middle of the campus which is called "Red Square" and contact for hours! We get like 10 lessons a day, its crazy! The ward is amazing! It crazy around the campus because of finals and break so... its awesome! 

Thanksgiving is going to be interesting though, all the college kids are gone haha so it might be me and my companion! This is his first Thanksgiving as well! He is from China! His name is Elder Zhao. He has been on his mission for a year. 

I am reading in 3 Nephi right now in the Book of Mormon. I forgot about the story from chapters 2-5. Its great story, I encourage you too read it! :)

Hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Nov 24, 2014)


I just got emergency transferred! I am being moved to the University of Washington campus! YSA 2nd chinese ward (young single adult) weird huh, the trainee in that area went home and we were the only 3 pack so.. I got moved, I have had 4 companions in 1 transfer! CRAZY! 

Obey today, understand tomorrow!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Nov 17, 2014)


Last week was a great week! 

When I left Robinswood I was really mad because I was starting basketball and we were getting a washer and dryer in the apartment, its $30 a month to wash! It was crazy, then I get transferred! but I get transferred to Totem Lake which has a washer and dryer and basketball every Saturday! Boo Yah!!!

Well, this week started bad! Elder Randolph got emergency transferred today! UGH!! This was going to be like the best transfer ever! I am now three-packing it for the rest of the transfer with the other Totem Lake elders. They are super cool though so I am excited! 

Well I gotta go to the mission office now! 

Love you all!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Nov 10, 2014)

oh another thing!!

So at church on Sunday Will Tukuafu came to our sacrament meeting! Who is Will you may ask? He is a 6-4ish, 300 lb Polynesian. Who is a Full-Back for the Seattle Seahawks! He got traded from the 49ers to the Seahawks! 

He was about 15 mintues early to church so I talked with him for a little because I didn't recognize him, that's what missionaries do, we don't talk to people we know, that's to easy! 

He said that he plays in the NFL. So I assumed it wasn't game day, what I didn't know was that the Seahawks played that day and every Sunday he tries to go to an early Sacrament meeting so he can partake of the Sacrament! So cool!! He even got to play in the game because the starting Full-back apparently got injured. A member told us at dinner yesterday. Immediate blessing! (haha for him not the other guy). It was really cool to see him at Sacrament Meeting. He definitely is a great example to me and his family of like 14 siblings!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Nov 4, 2014)


Whats up!!!

So this past week was transfer week in the Mission office so we were in the office a lot trying to figure things out. Today was transfers and I got transferred out of the Office and I am now in the Totem Lake ward, in the Kirkland Stake. Kirkland is where Costco started which is pretty awesome! My new companion is Elder Randolph, he is from Spanish Fark Utah and he has been on his mission for about 1 year and 3 months. He was in the Bothell ward when I was in the Kenmore ward long ago haha. So its good to finally be with someone I actually know! :)

I have been listening to some talks recently and one of them was Spiritual Crocodiles by President Packer. It is a really great talk. It talked about how we need to be alert in the world we live in, there are spiritual crocodiles everywhere. Its crazy because this talk was given in 1976! CRAZY and it pertains so much to the world we live in now. 

I really liked this quote:
"If you will listen to the counsel of your parents and your teachers and your leaders when you are young, you can learn how to follow the best guide of all—the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. That is individual revelation. There is a process through which we can be alerted to spiritual dangers. Just as surely as that guide warned me, you can receive signals alerting you to the spiritual crocodiles that lurk ahead.

If we can train you to listen to these spiritual communications, you will be protected from these crocodiles of life. You can learn what it feels like to be guided from on high. This inspiration can come to you now, in all of your activities, in school, and dating—not just in your Church assignments."

We need to know what the "language" the spirit is to be able to get through life. 

I am grateful to be on a mission! I am loving it! I am doing great as well! Love ya!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Nov 4, 2014)


My Ward mission-leaders son is so cute! He is like 4 years old and he asks his parents everyday when Elder Barney is coming over haha! We go over their every Sunday to have a meeting with the ward mission leader. So he pretty much loves the missionaries. 

A couple of weeks ago I got a little hotwheels car and brought it because he loves cars, and he gets really distracted when we are there , so I bribe him with hotwheels :) "Bennett eat your dinner and you can have this awesome car!" and he runs over and finishes his dinner haha its so awesome. 

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Oct 27, 2014)


     Tad R. Callister said “Suppose for a moment someone told you these three facts about a New Testament personality and nothing more: first, the Savior said of this man, “O thou of little faith” (Matthew 14:31); second, this man, in a moment of anger, cut off an ear of the high priest’s servant; and third, this man denied knowing who the Savior was on three occasions, even though he had walked with Him daily. If that is all you knew or focused upon, you might have thought this man a scoundrel or a no-good, but in the process you would have failed to come to know one of the greatest men who ever walked the earth: Peter the Apostle.

    Similarly, attempts have been made by some to focus upon or magnify some minor weaknesses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, but in that process they too have missed the mark, the man, and his mission. Joseph Smith was the Lord’s anointed to restore Christ’s Church to the earth.” 

   Elder Lawrence Corbridge said “There is no dispute about what Joseph Smith accomplished, only how he did what he did and why. And there are not many options. He was either pretender or prophet. Either he did what he did alone, or he had the help of heaven. Look at the evidence, but look at all of the evidence, the entire mosaic of his life, not any single piece. Most importantly, do as young Joseph and “ask … God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given you.” This is not only how you may learn the truth about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith; it is also the pattern to know the truth of all things.”
   Gaining a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith is easier said than done. You just don’t wake up one day believing he was a Prophet. You have to work at it, but you can get one. A few things that helped me gain a testimony of Joseph Smith was reading The Book of Mormon, although he did not write it, he translated it through the power of God. Another way was reading the Testimony of Joseph Smith pamphlet. It tells of his experiences from just before the First Vision to the Restoration of the Priesthood. I know that as you read his words you will gain a testimony that as you read his words you will gain a testimony that he was a Prophet. I issue the same challenge to you as Elder Neil A. Anderson did during Conference. Read the Testimony of Joseph Smith often and record yourself reading it out-loud then listen to it often. Listening to yourself say it will help.

   Something that I am grateful for is that I have been able to go to Palmyra, where Joseph Smith received the First Vision, started translating the Book of Mormon and Established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was able to go to Nauvoo where the Saints settled for a little while and go to Carthage where Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum where martyred. Each of those places are places where the Spirit can be felt. I was able to learn things at each of those places that helped strengthen my testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. But. You don’t have to go all the way to Illinois or New York to gain a testimony of him. What you have to do is to know him by his fruits, because like it says in the Bible “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”  You can’t forget a key point though. Prayer. If you ask God with a sincere heart with a real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. God will answer your sincere prayer. I know he will.

Have the best week ever!!!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from October 27, 2014)

October 13, 2014

I am doing great! I am doing really well :) 
Here are some pics of my companions!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from Oct 13, 2014)

Elder Barney and Elder Brown 

 Elder Barney and Elder Carter

 Elder Barney and Elder Kendell

  Elder Barney and Elder Kendell

 Elder Barney and Elder Pulini

 Elder Barney and Elder Savage  

Elder Barney and Elder Atherley

He said this was Elder Awesome - I DO NOT agree - ewww

All is well!

So in Ether the Lord led the Jaredites into a valley northward, then into a portion of the wilderness previously unknown to man. As part of their journeys the Jaredites built barges and crossed many waters - no doubt facing significant difficulties and challenges - but they finally arrived at the seashore at Moriancumer where they abode in greater comfort for four years.

The Lord also led the Lehites through the wilderness for eight years, during which time they faced many obstacles and endured major hardships. They too were led to a pleasant seaside location at Bountiful where they abode for many days. In each case the Lord had provided guidance and help in accordance with the diligence and heed that was given to His directions by each group. But the Lord never intended that the Jaredites or the Lehites would remain at their pleasant "seaside resorts" instead, He always had in mind for them a much greater reward - including "a land which is choice above all other lands." And achieving that greater reward in each instance would require substantial additional efforts and time.

We have individually and collectively have been blessed, we have been obedient and listened to the directions and counsel received from the leaders of the church and the Spirit. You might feel that you have now found your pace, a comfortable routine, rhythm and that you can continue to work hard, but more in a "cruise control" manner. However, it is clear that the Lord still has much more in mind for each of us and for His vineyard - not just High Expectations, but ever Increasing High Expectations. It can be said that the reward that the Lord has in mind for us and for those whom we serve is an inheritance which is choice above all other inheritances - even "all that the Father hath." (D&C 84:38) And He has promised His incomparable help. So, we need to constantly improve, doing things that we have never before done, and/or doing them even better than before -- consistently getting out of our comfort zones - for, as many have observed, there is no growth in a comfort zone. Let us understand that we too must go beyond our Moriancumer and Bountiful to receive the Lord's intended and highest blessings.

Have a great day! Sure love ya!!

I thought this was pretty funny (the picture). I couldn't believe it! haha

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from October 13, 2014)

furry kid…hahaha

Meet The Mormons


It was so awesome. It is such a great movie. It premieres Oct. 10! 

It is like the greatest thing since pre-sliced bread! ;) 

It is seriously so good, I can't even put it to words!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from October 6, 2014)


Well this conference was just fantastic! It was so awesome! 
I think this was my favorite quote from conference.

I forgot my notes from conference at the apartment so I will share some insight from conference next week! 

I found this talk by Henry B. Eyring and it is super awesome!! "Rise to Your Call"

"Just as God called you and will guide you, He will magnify you. You will need that magnification. Your calling will surely bring opposition. You are in the Master’s service. You are His representative. Eternal lives depend on you. He faced opposition, and He said that facing opposition would be the lot of those He called. The forces arrayed against you will try not only to frustrate your work but to bring you down. The Apostle Paul described it this way: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed. One of the ways you will be attacked is with the feeling that you are inadequate. Well, you are inadequate to answer a call to represent God with only your own powers. But you have access to more than your natural capacities, and you do not work alone." 

M. Russell Ballard said that: 

"Member missionary work does not require the development of strategies or gimmicks. It does require faith—real faith and trust in the Lord. It also requires genuine love. The first great commandment is to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. … The second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matt. 22:37, 39).   So let the power of love guide us in sharing the gospel with family members, friends, neighbors, business associates, and any other people we encounter as we go through life. Most everyone wants to enjoy peace and happiness. That is a natural human desire. People want to find answers to the problems they face. This is increasingly true in the world we now live in."

Missionary work is stressful and tough but the First Presidency has said "The Lord will reward and richly bless you as you humbly and prayerfully serve Him. More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children." You will gain so much experience while serving the Lord, I know I have grown a lot, and I would not trade this for anything! 

I love ya!!!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from October 6, 2014)

one more thing

With General Conference coming up I just wanted to share a quote with you :)

If we teach by the Spirit and you listen by the Spirit, some one of us will touch on your circumstance, sending a personal prophetic epistle just to you - Jeffrey R. Holland

watch the first video, its awesome! :) 

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 29, 2014)


Last week was absolutely crazy!! First off we had to take some crazy missionaries to the airport, their time was up, and then we ended up having drive all over the mission. again. The Office Elders are the "handymen" of the mission, its great. Well yesterday we had some not so nice people answer the doors. I kind of wish that people would just listen, like truly listen, because the message we share and the Gospel we have WILL change peoples lives. All they have to do is listen and they will feel it. Where it always doesn't happen, we just have to leave a good impression and pray that the persons heart will be softened for future "harvest"

The mission presidency has focused a lot on meeting with the members of the ward. Right now we are trying really hard to get to know the members of the ward. We are trying to get the members to do missionary work, whether its with us or on their own. We have been reading Preach My Gospel with them and helping them realize that Missionary work isn't that hard, especially when you put your trust in the Lord and read the materials He has given us.

We had an Office Staff meeting today with the mission presidency and we get to go watch "Meet The Mormons" as a mission. The First Presidency sent a special copy too all of the Mission Presidents so that the missionaries can watch it also! Its coming to theaters in Bellevue so we are going to be inviting people like crazy! Hope you have a great week!

Love you all!!
<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 29, 2014)

I know its not monday...

This week has been crazy! So I finally get to email! 

Prayer works. We were struggling with getting everything done on Tuesday (transfers), we had to furnish an apartment, put up 5 bunk-beds (all on different ends of the missions) and go to the mission home. We prayed for effectiveness and efficiency and we finished all of our tasks by 9:30 and there was not a single mistake in the set-up of the bunk-beds, we didn't forget anything in storage and we were the most effective and efficient that night. It was great. We were truly blessed.

The members here are awesome, they are super missionary minded and they want to help us out. Members bring power to lessons. Its super cool. 

Well, have an awesome week!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 25, 2014)


This week was pretty crazy! One of the crazy parts was we did 2 trips around the mission (good thing we have 2500 miles per month!) to deliver supplies and packages and some pass-along cards for an upcoming member and missionary fireside, members and missionaries invite their friends and investigators to hear testimonies from Recent Converts and from the mission presidency. It's super awesome! This week is going to be even more crazy too! Transfers are on Tuesday and we have to prepare for that and stuff like that, so we will be pretty busy!

I am grateful to be on a mission. I am grateful for the restored gospel and the opportunity I have to teach it every day!

This is a legit Mormon message! 

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 15, 2014)

I thought I would share: (from Elder Barney's Mom)

This is an email exchange I thought was pretty awesome that I wanted to share…

This was my email from him for the week --- I wasn't too happy because it was missing the only thing I really need to hear each week (because his emails confirm he is safe - and his journals (should) contain all the awesome experiences he is having) so - the only thing left is the following...haha… :)

On 15 September 2014 2:53 PM, "Austin Barney" wrote:
Sorry gotta run you will have an email waiting next week, we are emailing tomorrow because our "p-day" was packed with mission responsibilities so we will email probably tomorrow :)
<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

On 15 September 2014 15:04, "Becky Barney" wrote:
Ok...well thank you for at least saying hello!!  I really appreciate it.  Next time please add an "I love you" with that - haha :)
Love you!

On 15 September 2014 15:15, "Austin Barney" wrote:
haha I LOVE YOU!!
<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 15, 2014)

 We get to see this beautiful building everyday!

​totally ripped that off of a white ford fusion- office elder perks :) 

P.S.  I love that he has multiple pictures of the Seattle Temple
that he is always saying how awesome it is to be able to see it everyday :)



So lately I have been watching a lot of mormon messages. 

I think at times we all feel that way. He knows what He wants us to be. We can all meet God's high expectations however great or small our capacity and talent may be. We have to be willing to have Him mold us. God will not turn you into something you don't love. The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life. 

Come what may, and love it! Love you!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 8, 2014)

Whats up!


So lately, my mission president has been really emphasizing member missionary work (which has been counselled by the Prophet so really he is just re-emphasizing it). And I remembered a quote by Elder Anderson which says, "If you’re not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart—painted, as Paul said, “not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God” but thats why I think that the Name Tags the missionaries wear are over the heart. We have to love the people we serve. We have to have Charity and Love, which qualifies us for the work! (D&C 4:5) 

Well I hope all is well! Have an awesome week!!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from September 1, 2014)

Whats up?!?

This week was pretty crazy. We had a lot of office responsibilities this week, so we were pretty busy! So an insane thing happened this week! So we were doing our weekly package and supplies run to the Zone Leaders and we saw somebody struggling with changing his tire, so we stopped and helped him out.  As he was jacking up his car I put the tire on to his car and the car jack slips back down a notch or something and smashes my hand against the tire, the car was on my hand! So he jacks the car back up and my hand feels super weird. We finish up and we get back into the truck and my hand wasn't swollen and it didn't even hurt!  Remember an entire car landed on my hand!  My hand is perfectly fine! My hand is perfectly fine! It was Truly a miracle! My hand should be broken, God truly does look out for His missionaries!  I really enjoy being an office elder, it is a lot of responsibility. We have to maintain the work in the ward we are working in and we also have to be "on call" for the mission leadership and office staff.  It's crazy! 

I love you all and I hope you all have a great week!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from August 25, 2014)



This week was insane! We put like 500 miles on the truck this week! We drove around the entire mission like 3 times. It was crazy, we put up like 5 bunk beds, cleaned out 2 apartments, moved stuff into an apartment, removed stuff from apartments that didn't need to be there anymore, a package run to every zone leader for the missionaries and a supply run (Copies of the Book of Mormon, Pamphlets, Pass-Along cards, stuff like that) to all the zones also. It was way fun though! 

There is a picture of our ride, pretty awesome. Then the temple, which we see everyday! Its so awesome! 

So yeah this week was fun. 
Hope you have an awesome week!!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from August 18, 2014)

Mission truck!

 last Normandy Park group of missionaries

bunch of crazies :)


Well this will be short, new calling, I got transferred to Bellevue, so I am now an office elder. What an office elder does is aid the mission presidency, and the senior missionaries in the office. It's super cool, we have to move around a lot of furniture from different apartments throughout the mission and just run errands for like everyone in the mission, its craziness, we get like maybe 9 hours of proselyting time in a week. Its a super awesome calling though. We get special privileges too so thats cool :) We have like zero p-day so we email during the week and shop and stuff so its great! 

Well Elder Carter is my comp and he is pretty cool! So its going to be a great transfer!! It's just sad I don't get to see my investigators from Normandy Park get baptized, but at least they are making that choice! Oh and they actually closed Normandy Park B so I opened that area and closed it! 

The church is true! 

The mission is the best 2 years FOR your life! Have an awesome week!!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from August 13, 2014)



How was your week? Last week was pretty great! Yesterday was crazy! We went to church and Efren and Gloria came in late and missed the sacrament, so after class we went to the spanish branch and took the sacrament there. We went to a baptism at 6 with them and then at 7 there was an awesome fireside, and then we had a lesson with them after, I gave their mom a blessing and then Efren accepted a baptismal date! We also challenged Gloria to throw away all the cigarettes in her house and not buy any this week. We talked to her for awhile about how it will help, she wants to stop, its just hard for her, but she can do it! This is the last week of the transfer so we got to end it strong! 

My mission president has a article in the August Ensign! Here is the link! You should read it! It is super awesome!

Hope all is well! Have a great day!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from August 4, 2014)


Hello from Normandy Park!

This week was definitely a slow week. A lot of our investigators are gone! So lessons have been kinda hard to get this week. We had 2 lessons with Efren this week. Efren is a 17 year old who has been meeting with us since April. He has the worst anxiety I have ever seen. He hasn't been able to leave his apartment since last September. Because of that he had to drop out of High School, he lost his job and all of his friends left him. Super sad. He has completely given his life to God. He has the some of the strongest faith I have seen. We went through the baptismal interview questions with him and he answered each one flawlessly. He has such a strong testimony. After months of trying, HE CAME TO CHURCH! He said is was so great to go to church. He loved the feeling and he said he wants to come every week, get baptized, get his patriarchal blessing, go through the temple and then serve a mission! He is so great. The Lord truly loves each one of His children. and he wants the best for all of them! 

I am grateful to be on a mission at this time, where I can devote 100% of my time to the Lord. 

Well I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

<Kia Kaha>
-Elder Barney

(email from July 28, 2014)